In a bizarre turn of events on the “Today” show, comedian Larry David unleashed his frustration on the innocent Elmo, sparking chaos and leaving everyone on set in shock. The unexpected incident unfolded after Elmo’s seemingly innocent question on X (formerly Twitter) went viral, eliciting a flood of anxious responses from users around the globe.
The 3-year-old furry monster innocently inquired, “How is everybody doing?” Little did Elmo know, the internet was brimming with overwhelming emotions about the state of the world. One user encapsulated the prevailing sentiment, stating, “The world is burning around us, Elmo,” reflecting the collective anxiety that permeated the online replies.
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During Elmo’s appearance on the “Today” show to discuss the viral tweet, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn. As hosts Hoda Kotb, Savannah Guthrie, and Craig Melvin attempted to transition to the weather segment with Al Roker, Larry David, there to promote the final season of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” stormed in.
Without warning, David aggressively confronted Elmo, shaking the beloved Muppet and even taking a few swings at him. The entire scene left onlookers, including Elmo’s father, Louie, and the “Today” hosts, in utter horror. Guthrie exclaimed, “Larry, you’ve gone too far this time!”
The bewildered Elmo expressed his dismay, stating, “Mr. Larry, Elmo liked you before!” The disruption prompted David to storm off the set abruptly. Minutes later, he reappeared on camera to issue an apology for his impulsive outburst. However, his attempt at remorse was tainted by his barely stifled laughter as he told the puppet, “Elmo, I just want to apologize. I’m really sorry.”
The incident left viewers and the show’s hosts in disbelief, with many questioning the motives behind Larry David’s unexpected attack on the innocent Sesame Street character. As the internet buzzes with speculation and reactions, one thing is for sure – Elmo’s attempt to connect with the world triggered a bizarre and unexpected episode on live television.