Khushi Kapoor is gearing up for her theatrical debut ‘Loveyapa’ with Junaid Khan. The actress has always been open about her cosmetic surgeries including getting a nose job. However, this put her on the receiving end of flack from social media users who are dubbing her as ‘plastic.’ Khushi, however, remains unfazed and thinks it is not a big deal as long as someone is not pretending to be natural, setting unrealistic beauty standards.
During her conversation with Curly Tales, Khushi Kapoor revealed her recent cosmetic procedure. She said that she had her eyebrows nano-bladed the other day. “I have naturally very thick eyebrows but I found some gap in them so I went and got them a bit filled in. And, you can’t get your eyebrows wet for 10 days. So, they give you a shield that you stick on your forehead while you shower and it looks really funny. I took a really close up picture from the shower with that shield on my face and sent it to my friends without any context whatsoever. They didn’t even question it because this is just so normal now.”
Subsequently, the host asked Khushi about her decision to openly embrace her cosmetic surgeries. To this, she said, “I don’t think it’s such a big deal. The main issue is that people are scared that they will get hate if they come out and admit it. I just feel like there’s going to be hate either way. People think that the term ‘plastic’ is the biggest insult you can give someone. But I don’t think it’s bad if someone gets work done and stuff like that.”
Elaborating, she said, “The issue is when people enhance themselves cosmetically and say that, ‘I woke up like this and I am completely natural’. Because then you are setting an unrealistic standard of beauty. It’s unfair to younger girls who look up to you and then they think, ‘Oh, I don’t look like that, why can’t I?’. But it’s because so much effort has gone into it – you have a team, facials, this and that. There are so many things for skin care that you can do to look a certain way and not everyone knows that.”
Moreover, the actress believes that one should be honest with their fans. Khushi also noted that people who don’t want to like her will find a reason, some way or another. “You might as well be honest because people are going to not like you for some or the other reason. And, I didn’t want it to be like, ‘Oh, she has come out and said it’. That’s why I just replied to a random comment, I don’t think it should be a big deal.”
Khushi’s next, ‘Loveyapa’ is going to hit theatres on Valentine’s week, on February 7. Advait Chandan, the director of ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ is helming the romantic comedy. Meanwhile, Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment are bankrolling the title with Zee Studios serving as the global distributors. The upcoming film is going to spread love with its heart-warming storyline and the on-screen chemistry of the fresh pairing. As per reports, the film is a remake of ‘Love Today,’ the 2022 Tamil film. The film stars Pradeep Ranganathan, Ivana, and Raveena Ravi in key roles.