Keerthy Suresh recently made her Bollywood debut with Atlee-backed ‘Baby John’ opposite Varun Dhawan. For her role, the actor has a comrade to thank for recommending her for the project. In a recent interview with Galatta India, Keerthy revealed that her ‘Mahanti’ co-star and friend Samantha Ruth Prabhu recommended her to Atlee. Notably, Samantha played the role Keerthy plays in ‘Baby John’ in Atlee’s 2016 blockbuster ‘Theri,’ the inspiration behind the Hindi film.
Keerthy Suresh said, “She probably had me in mind when this was happening; that’s what Varun also told me. I can’t be grateful enough for that. It’s so sweet of her to say, ‘Keerthy will be able to pull off this character.’ Her performance in Theri is one of my favourites in Tamil. Honestly, I was very scared.”
She also noted that Samantha gave her a shout-out after the trailer of ‘Baby John’ dropped. “I remember her posting a story on Instagram after watching the trailer of Baby John, saying, ‘I wouldn’t have shared this one with anyone else, but you.’ It was so sweet and meant a lot to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better debut. This is one of the characters I really love and I am so glad I got to play it in Hindi.”
Samantha and Keerthy’s bond also reflects in how they revel in each other’s personal and professional achievements. Keerthy recently tied the knot with her long-time beau Anthony Thattil. Wishing the new couple, Samantha wrote on social media, “The picture has my whole heart. Congratulations to the most beautiful people, may you be filled with eternal happiness and love always (red heart emoticons) #NyKeforever.”
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Interestingly, Samantha’s recent project, ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’ was also with Varun Dhawan. In the high-intensity series, the duo played daunting spies and took over global charts.
Meanwhile, ‘Baby John’ hit theatres on Christmas Day. Apart from Varun and Keerthy, the film also stars Wamiqa Gabbi and Jacky Shroff. Moreover, Salman Khan has a cameo appearance in the title. Kalees has helmed the title while Atlee and his wife Priya, Jyoti Deshpande, and Murad Khetani have backed the film.