Hrithik Roshan’s upcoming project Super 30 based on Anand Kumar’s biopic has gone on the floors. A story based on a renowned mathematician will have Hrithik in the lead role. The actor took to Twitter to announce the commencement of shooting of the film on January 25. The Kaabil actor retweeted Nadiadwala Grandson’s tweet, it read,’Mark the date! 365 days to go! #Super30 starring @iHrithik to release on 25th January 2019.’
Mark the date!
365 days to go! #Super30 starring @iHrithik to release on 25th January 2019.#SajidNadiadwala #VikasBahl @Anand_Super_30 @FuhSePhantom @RelianceEnt @WardaNadiadwala— Nadiadwala Grandson (@NGEMovies) January 25, 2018
ALSO READ: Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff film to hit screens on October 2 next year
The latest updates suggest that the antagonist of the film has also been finalised. The talented actor we saw in Newton, Pankaj Tripathi, has bagged the role. If sources are to be believed, the actor will be sharing the screen space with Hrithik Roshan. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “Pankaj is very naturally a North Indian bloke. Although he is from Uttar Pradesh, he doesn’t have to make an effort to sound like a Bihari. In fact, many in the Super 30 team thought Pankaj was the perfect actor to play Anand Kumar. They resemble one another in body and speech. But the director Vikas Behl wanted a superstar for Anand Kumar’s role to bring the audiences in to watch the motivational story of the maths genius from a humble background who coaches underprivileged but brilliant maths students free of cost.”
READ MORE: Sara Ali Khan to star with Hrithik Roshan in ‘Super 30’?
Pankaj Tripathi seems to be overwhelmed by the role as he said: “Every character every role is equally important to me. It doesn’t matter whether I play the hero or villain. I will look for the core of the character and play it as honestly as I can,” quotes the website.