Recently, reports surfaced that global pop icon Taylor Swift is in talks to perform at Gautam Adani’s son, Jeet Adani’s wedding. This stirred a wave of anticipation and curiosity among fans given that Swift has never performed in India. Following the reports, business tycoon Gautam Adani has taken a moment to clear the air. He addressed the media from the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. In his address, the Adani Group chairman confirmed that Jeet will tie the knot with Diva Shah on February 7. However, he rebuffed the reports of Taylor Swift performing at the wedding festivities.
Meanwhile, apart from Taylor Swift, reports stated that Jeet Adani’s wedding may also mark the presence of several other global stars. These include performances from Travis Scott and Honey Singh. Moreover, as per the word circulating, other notable celebrities were going to be a part of the event. These include models Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner, actor-singer Selena Gomez, and actor Sydney Sweeney. Additionally, reports stated that chefs from 58 different countries will prepare a decadent spread of dishes. It also added that to elevate the extravagance, over 1,000 luxury cars will likely be present to transport guests. Now, the Adani Group chairman has dismissed all the reports, iterating that Jeet will have a simple and traditional wedding.
Speaking to the media, Adani said, “Jeet’s wedding is on the 7th of February. Our way of life is like that of common people. Jeet’s wedding will be very traditional, conducted in a very simple manner.”
When probed about whether celebrities or high-profile guests might make an appearance, he dismissed the idea outright. “No, not at all,” he said. He emphasised that the wedding would be a private affair with only close family in attendance. Moreover, the businessman shared that Jeet had joined him at the Maha Kumbh to seek blessings from Ma Ganga ahead of the big day.
Jeet Adani and Diva Shah got engaged in March 2023 in a private ceremony held in Ahmedabad. The celebration was a minimal and intimate affair. Moving ahead, the couple will likely exchange vows later this year in what likely can earn the title of the wedding of the year.