Anil Kapoor and Harshvardhan Kapoor will soon be collaborating for Abhinav Bindra’s biopic. For the first time, father-son duo will act together. Harshvardhan Kapoor made his debut in the Bollywood industry with Rakesh Omprakash Mehra’s Mirzya.
Harshvardhan will play Olympic gold medal winner Abhinav Bindra while Anil Kapoor will play the role of his father. A leading source revealed that Harshvardhan, along with his father Anil, will leave for Chandigarh which is the hometown of Abhinav Bindra, as soon as the promotions of his next film Bhavesh Joshi are over. The movie will release in May.
Harshvardhan has been working hard for the biopic and getting proper training and diet for his role.
“They have freed their calendar from July to October to do extensive research for the film. Both the actors Anil Kapoor and Harshvardhan will meet Bindra and his family to understand their nuances and incorporate that into their performances,” the source added
Abhinav Bindra’s biopic is likely to go on the floors in the month of January next year.