Renowned filmmakers Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, celebrated for their blockbuster Hindi films like ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’ and ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’, are making their debut in Marathi cinema with their latest project, ‘Devmanus’. The film, directed by Tejas Deoskar, is going to release in theaters on April 25, 2025.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the exciting news on Instagram, posting a photo of the cast and crew holding the clapboard to mark the completion of the film’s shoot.
His caption read: “LUV RANJAN – ANKUR GARG VENTURE INTO MARATHI FILMS… ‘DEVMANUS’ SHOOT COMPLETE… 25 APRIL 2025 RELEASE… #Devmanus, a multi-starrer, features #MaheshManjrekar, #RenukaShahane, #SubodhBhave, and #SiddharthBodke in pivotal roles.”
The movie boasts a stellar cast, including veteran Marathi actors Mahesh Manjrekar and Renuka Shahane, alongside Subodh Bhave and Siddharth Bodke.
With such a powerhouse lineup, ‘Devmanus’ is likely to be a significant addition to Marathi cinema.
Known for delivering Hindi films that resonate with audiences nationwide, Ranjan and Garg are bringing their signature storytelling to a new regional audience.
Their venture into Marathi cinema marks an exciting chapter for Luv Films.
Director Tejas Deoskar, whose previous works have been well-received in the Marathi film industry, is at the helm of this ambitious project.
While details about the plot remain under wraps, the ensemble cast and the team’s reputation have already generated significant buzz.