Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor celebrated their marriage anniversary on Monday amidst lockdown. On the occasion, Anil Kapoor shared a beautiful video and revealed how he proposed his wife for marriage, which is a real treat for fans on their special day.
Anil, on Monday, took to his official Twitter handle to share an adorable video of how he proposed Sunita for marriage. Anil Kapoor proposed to Sunita on May 18 and the next day (May 19), they got married. Sharing the clip, the actor asked followers to watch out for their wedding story on Tuesday (May 19).
In the clip, the actor can be heard saying, “This is the beginning of a long love story… On the night of 17th May, I signed an important film which was a big step in my career, and on 18th May I took an even bigger step…I proposed to my girlfriend Sunita and asked her to be my wife… People celebrate anniversaries; we celebrate the proposals as well! And we never let ourselves forget how fortunate we are to have so much to be grateful for!”
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Watch out for our wedding story tomorrow…— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) May 18, 2020
The power couple tied the knot on May 19, 1984. He proposed to Sunita, then his girlfriend of 10 years, after he signed Meri Jung, which is considered a life-changing film in his career. The wedding ceremony was a low-key affair, attended by around 10 people.
Anil Kapoor has been quite vocal about his love story with Sunita Kapoor. The actor never misses a chance to narrate their story on any platform.
Meanwhile, the actor keeps on giving a lockdown glimpse for his fans. Earlier, he shared a picture of him playing carrom with his wife.
Anil and Sunita have been together for more than four decades, being at each other’s side through thick and thin.