Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is gearing up for his next big project, ‘Sky Force’, which is set to hit theaters on January 24, 2025. The film has already stirred excitement among fans with its recently released motion poster, featuring Akshay and debutant Veer Pahariya in striking roles as Indian Air Force officers.
Akshay shared the motion poster on Instagram, offering a glimpse into the high-octane, patriotic drama. Both actors are seen dressed in IAF uniforms, adding an air of authenticity to the upcoming film.
The teaser, accompanied by a stirring patriotic song, teases the story of India’s first and most dangerous airstrike, promising an intense, action-packed narrative.
The poster’s tagline, “Some missions end. Others last a lifetime,” hints at the lasting impact of the events depicted in the film.
The excitement doesn’t end with the poster. The makers of ‘Sky Force’ also announced that the official trailer would be released on Sunday, giving fans a closer look at the thrilling story.
The film’s official Instagram account shared the news, writing, “This New Year, soar into the skies with #SkyForce – the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike ever. Trailer out tomorrow. In cinemas on 24th January 2025.”
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The announcement has already sparked a wave of reactions on social media. Fans have expressed their enthusiasm with comments like “Wow” and “Interesting,” eagerly awaiting more details.
The film promises to be an emotional and patriotic journey. It will showcase the bravery and sacrifices of the Indian Air Force personnel.
Directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur, ‘Sky Force’ is production of Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, and Amar Kaushik. The movie is likely to capture not just the action but the deep emotions and patriotism.
In addition to ‘Sky Force’, Akshay Kumar has other projects lined up. That includes ‘Bhooth Bangla’, directed by Priyadarshan, which is ready for release on April 2, 2026.
Fans of Akshay Kumar can look forward to a thrilling 2025, with ‘Sky Force’ leading the way.