Bollywood actors Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath are finding their names in a legal controversy. The two find their names among the 13 accused in a cheating and breach of trust case filed at the Murthal police station in Sonipat, Haryana. The FIR was lodged on January 22. The charges also include property transfer through deception. The two are booked under Sections 316, 318, and 318(4) of the Indian Penal Code.
Vipul Antil, a resident of Sonipat has filed the complaint. It alleges that the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society promised high returns via its fixed deposit (FD) and recurring deposit (RD) schemes. However, the complaint claims that the society used a multi-level marketing system. In this scheme, the agents reaped rewards for bringing in more investors, instigating widespread financial fraud.
Meanwhile, the society has been active in multiple states including Haryana since September 16, 2016. It is registered under the Multi-State Cooperative Society Act of 2002. While it appears to be a legitimate setup, the FIR probes scrutiny into its malpractices.
Reportedly, Ajeet Singh, the Additional Commissioner of Police (ACP) in Murthal, confirmed that both Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath’s names are present in the complainant. He clarified, “The main complaint is against the society that is alleged to have duped people of their money by luring them to invest. We will have to investigate what role, if any, is ascribed to Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath.” As per reports, investigations are ongoing to determine the extent of Talpade and Nath’s involvement in the case. Notably, the primary case is against the said society with the roles of others involved under wraps.
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On the work front, Talpade’s latest project is Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ which hit theatres on January 17. The politically-charged film chronicles the events of the Emergency which altered the nation’s history.