Star-studded glamour unfolded at the prestigious Joy Awards in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as Bollywood heavyweight Salman Khan and the ever-charming Alia Bhatt graced the occasion. The dazzling duo shared the limelight with Hollywood legends such as Anthony Hopkins, Zack Snyder, and John Cena, creating an epic moment captured in a viral picture that has taken social media by storm.
The Joy Awards not only brought together these global icons but also saw Salman Khan taking the stage to present the ‘Lifetime Achievements Award’ to the accomplished Egyptian actress, Essad Younes. This added a touch of Bollywood grandeur to the star-studded affair.
Following the momentous award ceremony, the A-listers gathered for a memorable snapshot, immortalizing the convergence of cinematic greatness. In the frame were Salman Khan and Alia Bhatt alongside the legendary Anthony Hopkins, visionary filmmaker Zack Snyder, charismatic John Cena, the ever-popular Mark Wahlberg, the timeless Kevin Costner, the radiant Eva Longoria, and the iconic Jean Reno, among other luminaries.
Alia Bhatt, not just a participant but a recipient of honors, was bestowed with the Honorary Entertainment Makers Award. The Bollywood beauty graced the red carpet in a jaw-dropping fashion statement, donning an Ajrakh print saree adorned with vibrant red, blue, and black hues. The handcrafted silhouette featured intricate gold sequin embroidery, complemented by a matching ajrakh-printed tube top, making Alia’s ensemble nothing short of stunning.
The Joy Awards indeed became a celebration of cinematic excellence and global collaboration, marking a night where the worlds of Bollywood and Hollywood converged in a dazzling display of talent and style.