During the filming of ‘Housefull 4’ in 2018, director Sajid Khan faced a spree of sexual harassment accusations under the #MeToo movement. In a recent interview, the ‘Heyy Babyy’ director opened up about the aftermath of the allegations. Khan revealed that following the issue, he considered ending his life multiple times and his mental health took a backseat.
Speaking with Hindustan Times, Sajid Khan opened up about his life after the #MeToo allegations. “I thought of ending my life many times in the last 6 years. It’s been extremely bad, in the sense that I’ve been out of work.” Eventually, the director got a clearance from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA). However, the damage to his career wasn’t repaired. “Despite getting a clearance from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA). I’m trying to get back on my feet. I had to sell my house and move to a rented flat because of no earnings.”
The director added, “I was 14 when I started earning because my dad (actor-producer-director, Kamran Khan) passed away, leaving me and Farah (Khan) with debts. Today, I wish my mum were alive to see me try to get back on my feet. More than her son, I was her caretaker. Life has been quite tough.” For the unversed, Sajid and Farah Khan’s mother, Menaka Irani died in 2024.
When probed about his family’s reaction to the news, Khan revealed that he had concealed the news from his ill mother for days. “Ten days before it happened, I was shooting in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, and my mum wasn’t well. When I had to leave the film, I was worried she’d have a heart attack if she found out. I told Farah to hide the newspapers from her.” He continued, “For 10 days, I pretended everything was fine, leaving the house and coming back as if I’d been on set… I’ve never, and will never, say anything against any woman. But yes, the last six years have been a period of self-assessment.”
Talking about the repercussions of the accusations, he said, “Everyone else named in the movement went back to work, but I didn’t. That felt harsh. It made me realise I needed to change not just my life but also the way I spoke to people. I’m much more restrained now.”
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Elaborating, he added, “I used to say sensational things just to make headlines. Because I was so brash, I rubbed people the wrong way. I would apologise whenever I realised it, but when work stops, you start questioning your life. I’ve mellowed down. I just want to work to survive now.”
Sajid Khan has helmed titles like ‘Housefull,’ ‘Housefull 2,’ and ‘Heyy Babyy.’