Ranbir Kapoor is gearing up to dominate the box office with back-to-back releases. Currently, the actor is busy with Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’ with Sai Pallavi. Moreover, he is working on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Love and War’ with Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal. Following this, RK is going to kickstart the filming of the highly awaited thriller ‘Dhoom 4’ in 2026, reportedly. The anticipation is already high with the fourth instalment of the YRF heist franchise as the makers seek to reboot the film series.
A source close to the developments shared the development with India Today. “Kapoor will need to have a different look for Dhoom 4. And before starting that, he will wrap up his two existing projects.” Dhoom 4 is likely to go on floors next April. Moreover, “The production team is currently looking to lock two female leads and an antagonist for the film. Key contenders to play the antagonist in the film are being considered from the South.” Previously, reports surfaced that Kiara Advani and Sharvari Wagh may play the female leads in the upcoming film.
Moreover, earlier, reports emerged that YRF is looking to completely spin the franchise and give it a contemporary flair. Moreover, the film is going to be a defining title for the franchise. A source previously stated, “Two big heroes from the younger generation will come on board to play the duo of cop buddies in Dhoom 4. Now that the core storyboard is locked, the team will proceed to the casting stage. Dhoom 4 will not just be the biggest Dhoom film, but also a tentpole feature film of global standard from Indian cinema.”
With Ranbir locked in to headline the project, fans await details about the ‘Dhoom girl’ and the cop buddies for ‘Dhoom 4.’ Netizens have high expectations from the project given the success of the previous titles of the heist thrillers.
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Moving ahead, Ranbir has his plate full with multiple projects. Apart from ‘Ramayana,’ ‘Love and War,’ and ‘Dhoom 4,’ he also has ‘Animal Park’ in the pipeline. The film is going to be a sequel to the blockbuster action drama ‘Animal.’