Actor Ram Kapoor recently stunned netizens with his inspiring transformational weight loss. After taking a long hiatus from social media, the actor posted pictures that captured his stunning weight loss results. Subsequently, several fans started speculating that the ‘Jubilee’ actor must have turned to medications or surgery. However, in a recent interview, the actor rebuffed the speculations. Kapoor iterated that his journey comprised natural and disciplined lifestyle changes that called for a complete reset.
During his recent interaction with ETimes, the actor revealed that he wanted a sustained and lifelong change. Thus, he altered his lifestyle rather than resorting to medical measures. Talking about his inspiration, he said, “I’ve been fortunate that audiences loved me even when I was overweight. At my heaviest, I was 140 kg while working on ‘Neeyat’ and ‘Jubilee’. Though those roles suited my size, I was unhealthy. Walking just 20 steps left me breathless, and I struggled with diabetes, a foot injury, and basic movement. Turning 50 was a wake-up call. I wanted to set an example for my children by prioritizing my health.”
Ram Kapoor added that his decision was not a professional call, but a deeply personal one. Rebuffing speculations, the actor revealed that he took the old-fashioned route to weight loss. “I lost weight the old-fashioned way—changing my mindset, lifestyle, and habits without surgery or external aids. While medical options are valid, for me, it was about a complete reset.”
Elaborating further, he said, “Fitness isn’t about the number on the scale; it’s about feeling healthy and strong. This journey wasn’t a temporary fix but a lifelong change. I’d lost 30 kilograms twice before, only to gain it back. This time, I focused on fitness holistically—my diet, sleep, exercise, hydration, and fasting. Staying fit is continuous work.” Moreover, the actor credited his mental health in guiding him. Looking at himself in retrospect, Kapoor wasn’t happy with the man he had become. Rather than being dependent, he wants to be self-reliant. Having hit rock bottom, the actor decided to commit to his transformation. “Today, I feel like my 25-year-old self again. I can walk 12 hours without stopping—a complete turnaround.”
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Over the years, the actor created a ‘big guy’ persona for himself which played a key role for several of his characters. Reflecting on the professional repercussions, Ram Kapoor iterated his new avatar will create new roles. “This was never about my career—it was about me and my kids. I’ve had a thriving 25-year career, but there’s a time to prioritize yourself. Roles will evolve with my transformation. Next year, I’ll play a younger lead in a web series.” Talking about it, he also acknowledged his family’s support. “While others focus on the physical, my family knows it’s deeper. They’ve seen me fail repeatedly in the past, but this time, they witnessed a fundamental shift. I’ve redefined myself completely.”
On the work front, Kapoor’s last web series were ‘Jubilee’ and ‘Khalbali Records.’ On the silver screen, he last appeared in ‘Yudhra.’