Veteran actor and politician Raj Babbar shared his insights on the challenges faced by actors’ children in the film industry during the final day of the 12th Khushwant Singh Literary Festival in Kasauli on Sunday. Babbar, accompanied by his daughter Juhi Babbar and son-in-law Anup Soni, engaged in a discussion on the theme “Light, Camera, Action” at the Kasauli Club.
Reflecting on his experiences and observations from the 1980s, Raj Babbar emphasized the difficulties actors’ children encountered when they pursued acting careers at a young age.
He highlighted the premature entry of these aspiring actors into the industry, often before their facial expressions and maturity had fully developed. This premature foray into acting led to failures and hindered their growth as artists. Babbar pointed out that these young talents fell into a category neither child nor adult, which posed challenges in portraying complex roles effectively.
Babbar drew parallels with his own son Arya Babbar’s entry into the film industry, where he faced similar obstacles. He also mentioned Abhishek Bachchan, the son of legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, as an example of someone who started his acting career too early, leading to being primarily recognized as his father’s son.
Babbar believed that if these young actors had waited until their faces and expressions had matured, they might have had different career trajectories.
In the case of his daughter, Juhi Babbar, Raj Babbar shared his initial reluctance about her pursuing acting. He had hoped she would prioritize her education, gain acting experience, and even study abroad.
However, Juhi found an excellent mentor in her mother, Nadira Babbar, a renowned theater artist. Raj Babbar acknowledged that Juhi’s acting skills were nurtured and refined under her mother’s guidance. While he initially wanted her to avoid the acting field, he eventually recognized her talent and decided to support her entry into the film industry.