BJP MP and actor Kangana Ranaut often makes headlines for her controversial comments. Ahead of the release of her directorial, ‘Emergency,’ she opines on Indira Gandhi, the leader on whose life her film is based. In a recent interview, Kangana stated that she believed the Iron Lady of India to be a strong woman, however, her research found her to be “weak” and “unsure of herself.” Moreover, she added that no contemporary director deserves to work with her.
Kangana Ranaut is currently gearing up for the release of ‘Emergency’ which will finally hit the big screens on January 17, 2025, after receiving the necessary censor clearance. The film delves into the politically charged atmosphere of the 1970s Emergency period in India. It promises to offer a glimpse of the defining moment in the nation’s history. Ahead of her film’s release, the actress talks about the former Prime Minister and contemporary directors.
In her interview with PTI, the politician-actor said, “I’m very proudly saying that today there is not a single director in the film industry that I want to work with because they don’t have that kind of quality…that I feel that they deserve me.” Talking about her upcoming film, she stated that her research on Indira Gandhi changed her perception towards her.
“But when I did my research, I understood it was quite the contrary. It also strengthened my belief that the weaker you are, the more control you would want. She was a very weak person and she was also very unsure of herself and really vulnerable.” Kangana added, “She had many crutches around and she was constantly seeking a kind of validation. She was also hugely dependent on many people. One of them was Sanjay Gandhi. I didn’t have that kind of empathy for her before ‘Emergency.’ For the unversed, Kangana is not only headlining the film but has also helmed and bankrolled it.
Moreover, she opened up on the cuts mandated by the board for the release of her film. Remaining unfazed, she said that her film is not intended to hurt sentiments, therefore the cuts don’t matter. “As the film is not made with that intention, even if that was removed, it doesn’t impact my story.”
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Kangana’s ‘Emergency’ is going to hit theatres on January 17. Apart from her, the film also stars Anupam Kher, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, and the late Satish Kaushik. Manikarnika Films and Zee Studios have co-produced the title.