Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor recently delighted fans with a fun throwback reference from the iconic 1994 film ‘Andaz Apna Apna’, as she shared a picture with her brother Siddhanth Kapoor. The two were seen posing together in traditional Indian attire at a wedding, looking radiant as ever. Shraddha, known for her playful side, captioned the picture with a humorous nod to the film, writing: “Gogo ke bacche dekho kitne acche.”
This was a playful homage to their father, Shakti Kapoor, who famously portrayed the quirky villain Crime Master Gogo in the cult classic.
Directed by Rajkumar Santoshi, ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ starred Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Raveena Tandon, and Karisma Kapoor, alongside Shakti Kapoor in his memorable role.
Though the film was only a semi-hit at the box office upon its release, it has since gained a massive following, becoming one of Bollywood’s most beloved cult comedies.
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Shraddha’s lighthearted reference also comes after a recent change in her appearance. Earlier this month, she unveiled a fresh new look with a chic, short hairstyle featuring bangs. She shared her transformation on Instagram, posting a mirror selfie from the salon and captioning it, “Baal baal jach gayi,” which translates to “Hair looks great.”
2024 has been an exciting year for Shraddha, as her film ‘Stree 2’ became a major box-office success, briefly overtaking the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer ‘Jawan’ as the biggest hit in Hindi cinema. However, ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’, starring Allu Arjun surpassed it later.
On the work front, Shraddha is gearing up for her next big project, where she is likely to star in the highly anticipated ‘Dhoom’ franchise alongside Ranbir Kapoor. The duo previously shared screen space in the 2023 hit ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’.