The Delhi High Court has asked YouTube to remove two songs, posted by Swedish YouTuber PeeDiePie, from its platform.
Justice Jayant Nath in an interim order issued on April 8 2019, said it should be complied with within two weeks.”In my opinion, it would be in the interest of justice that these videos are taken off by YouTube”, Justice Nath said.
The court also directed the video sharing platform to ensure that the songs are not uploaded again on its platform. The notice was issued in response to a suit filed by Super Cassettes Pvt Ltd. which conducts business as T-Series.
In its plea, T-Series had sought that Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, be permanently restrained from uploading songs titled “T-Series Diss Track/Bitch Lasagna” and “Congratulations”.
The Indian music company has been in an online contest with the world’s most subscribed to channel on YouTube since the beginning of the year.
Bhushan Kumar who owns the music label had appealed to Bollywood celebrities, earlier to help popularize the channel to help it gain No.1 spot in the world. Only a couple of weeks back the label had won the war, but seems like the battle is still on.
A channel on YouTube by the name of FlareTV has been broadcasting the battle of getting highest subscriptions live on YouTube since February 6, 2019.
The court also noted that after the first video was uploaded, PewDiePie sent a message to T-series apologizing for the same.
He also stated ” it was all in good fun,” and assured he was planning not to do any more videos of that kind anymore. However, on March 31 he posted another song.
The matter has been listed for further hearing on July 15.