Mahindra University Model United Nations Conference to be held on 22 November

(Representational Image: iStock)

Mahindra University, Hyderabad is organizing the first intra-college virtual Mahindra University Model United Nations (MU MUN) conference on 22 November.

The conference will follow the Model UN protocols and will be a day of discussions around two committees: United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM).

The agendas to be discussed by the delegates will be “Reforms in the UNSC”, by the UNSC committee and “Deliberating upon the Current Criterion of Reservations in the Country and Resolving towards a Better Reservation Policy Relevant to Present-day India” in the AIPPM committee.

“Mahindra University Model UN Conference will witness the coming together of 80 delegates online and we believe that all the delegates would be immensely enriched by different points of views and the learning opportunities from the deliberations at the conference. The topics of debate are very well thought out and I look forward to the discussions and getting insights on these topics”, says Dr Yajulu Medury, Vice-Chancellor, Mahindra University.

Model UN for MUN is an educational simulation and academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations, by delegating in either a mock UN committee or these days a non-UN committee designed by the Organizing Committee of the MUN.

Model UN is a popular activity for those interested in learning more about how the UN operates and captures many diplomatic skills. Hundreds of thousands of students worldwide take part every year at all educational levels.