Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva, on Sunday, questioned the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) narrative that it was raising poll funds through crowdfunding, saying it surprised the people of Delhi since the party which has been contesting elections since 2013 and is now participating in its ninth election has never resorted to crowdfunding.
Sachdeva further said that his party would soon request the Election Commission to legally verify the sources of funds for candidates claiming to raise money through crowdfunding and present these details before the public prior to voting.
He said it was highly suspicious that first Manish Sisodia, then Durgesh Pathak, and now Chief Minister Atishi are claiming to raise election funds through crowdfunding. As per the BJP leader’s claims, the public is wondering if this crowdfunding is a way to allegedly disguise the money saved from the liquor scam and the Goa election scandal, or if it’s a ploy to convert money extorted through pressure on industrialists and officials in Punjab into political donations.
He further mentioned that AAP leader Sisodia is accused in the liquor scam, and claimed that reports revealed that a significant portion of the funds from the liquor scam was utilised in the Goa elections, where initially Pathak and later Atishi served as the election in-charges for AAP.