Visit to Bhutan under exchange programme proves enriching experience for students of Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan

Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan recently held a student exchange programme with the Rinchen Kuenphen Primary School, Thimphu, Bhutan from August 25 to 30.

During the exchange programme, seven students of Class IV and V and two teachers visited Thimpu.

Hosted by Bhutanese families, the Student Exchange Programme between India and Bhutan proved a unique cultural and educational experience for the primary school students accompanied by their teachers, Sujata Maleyvar and Dipti Arora. The students gained firsthand insights into local traditions and customs forging deep connections with their hosts.

During their stay in Thimpu, the students visited key cultural landmarks, including Kyichu Lhakhang and the Memorial Chorten, and engaged in discussions with Bhutan’s Education Minister and the Indian Ambassador in Thimphu. These encounters provided a meaningful introduction to international relations and education systems.

During the visit, the students also explored Bhutan’s natural beauty through visits to Lamperi Botanical Park, the Punakha Dzong, and Dochula Pass, while immersing themselves in Bhutanese culture with their school buddies at Rinchen Kuenphen Primary School.

For the teachers, the programme offered an enriching professional development opportunity to observe Bhutanese educational methods. The exchange programme not only strengthened ties between schools but also underscored the importance of global engagement in shaping young minds.

The experience concluded with a farewell dinner, leaving participants with lasting friendships and memories of a successful cultural exchange.