AAP founder member Kumar Vishwas on Tuesday accused its leaders of conspiring against him and said he won't compromise with his principles and soon take a call on his future action.
"I know I will be targeted. The efforts to tarnish my image will be made. But let me tell those conpirators that I will not allow you to do so," Kumar Vishwas told reporters without taking any name.
He denied that he wanted to be the Convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party.
"I have already said 10 times and even to Arvind (Kejriwal) and Manish (Sisodia) and the party that I don't want to be the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister or the Convenor," he said.
Kumar Vishwas also said that he would not join any political party or the Swaraj Aandolan.
Kumar Vishwas broke down while talking to reporters, saying: "I don't know why you are here… but I had not joined the movement for this."