Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday said Centre government has approved Rs 50 crore for developing basic infrastructure at Chintpurni temple in Una district of Himachal Pradesh, around 210 km from here.
Thakur said Union Tourism ministry has approved the project under the scheme, ‘Prasad’. “With this proposed project, the government will be able to develop infrastructure and basic facilities for the tourists at Chintpurani,” he said.
Additional Chief Secretary (Tourism & Civil Aviation) Ram Subhag Singh made a presentation before the Ministry of Tourism regarding the concept plan for the proposed Chintpurani project.
“Presently there is congestion near the shrine and the place also lacks basic facilities for the tourists. Under the proposed project the efforts would be to develop basic amenities adjoining the temple complex for pilgrims, improvement of streets, introduction of non-polluting public traffic system, new alternate path, disabled friendly infrastructure and a new block for the pilgrims for Darshan, Kirtanetc,” he added.
Under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) assisted project, a Tourist Reception Centre (TRC)-cum-parking project of Rs 52 Crore was constructed last year at Chintpurani by Tourism and Civil Aviation Department.
Chintpurani Devi Temple is one of the 51 Shaktipeethas and every year approximately 16 lakh tourists visit Una district.