Twenty four hours after the schools in Rajasthan were allowed to open with 100 per cent capacity, two students studying in Maharaja Sawai Mansingh School of Jaipur were found to be infected with Covid-19 on Tuesday, after which the school management has stopped offline studies for the next four days.
As per a member of the Maharaja Sawai Mansingh School Management Committee, “A brother and sister studying in 3rd standard and 6th standard have become infected with Covid-19. On Monday evening, the relatives of the infected children informed the school management that they were infected with Covid-19, after which the school management has decided to keep the school closed for the next four days as a precautionary measure.”
He said online education will continue during this period so that other children of the school can study from home.
Meanwhile, there is fear looming large after reports of the students becoming Covid-19 positive.
A parent Pawan told IANS that the state government decided to open the schools with 100 per cent capacity in haste which was absolutely wrong.
At a time when vaccines are unavailable for young children, schools should not be opened with full capacity, he added.
Manish Vijayvargiya, the Convener of the Rajasthan Parent Ekta Sangh, demanded that online education should not be stopped. At present, the Covid-19 infection is not over. In such a situation, till the infection is not eradicated on the ground, school children should be made to study in online mode only, he said, adding, “The state government has taken a hasty decision to open schools with 100 per cent capacity to benefit private schools which is wrong. The Rajasthan Parent Ekta Sangh strongly opposes this.”