Delhi police successfully thwarted a murder attempt linked to an ongoing gangwar with the arrest of two individuals suspected of plotting the murder after an exchange of fire in Dabri area of South West Delhi.The arrested duo was identified as Suraj and Faiz, part of Saddam Gauri gang, a local syndicate involved in theft of vehicles, chain snatching among other criminal activities.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) Ankit Singh said, Suraj was previously involved in 13 cases while Faiz was involved in two cases. He said based on a tip off they were intercepted while they were on the way to kill a rival gang member, Veer, a resident of BIndapur, South West Delhi. The police team asked them to surrender but one of them opened fire on the team and in retaliation, Suraj suffered a bullet injury on his leg. He was shifted to DDU Hospital for treatment, the DCP said.
A case in this regard has been registered at Police Station Dabri under appropriate sections of BNS, and investigation is going on. A total of five rounds were fired from both sides and two pistols of .32 bore with two empty shells and two bullets were recovered from their possession, the official added.