In its efforts to crackdown on the illegal migrants, Delhi Police have apprehended three Bangladeshi immigrants, including a mother-son duo, and another person who were living in South West Delhi, it said on Tuesday.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (South West) Surendra Choudhary said, “The mother was residing for more than 20 years and the son came in 2020 due to the family`s financial hardship. Both of them have been deported to Bangladesh through the Foreigners Registration Office (FRRO)”.
The breakthrough came on December 29, when acting on a tip off, Naim Khan was intercepted from Shastri Market and his mother was also detained subsequently from Katwaria Sarai in South West Delhi where they were residing, Choudhary mentioned. Also, the third migrant, Akhtar Seikh, a construction labourer was first apprehended in a case at Sarojini Nagar police station who later got bail and went into hiding after the verification process began.
However, yesterday he was traced near Sarojini Nagar railway station. He told the police that he belongs to West Bengal but on being asked about documents, he was unable to show or prove any of his identity proof. On further interrogation he disclosed that he was born in Madarganj, Kochaghata, Bangladesh and he came to West Bengal in 2004 by illegal means by land surreptitiously. There he married an Indian girl in 2012 and made a permanent residence in West Bengal, the DCP said.