Thousands of Kotia villagers pledge not to leave land-shift to AP

‘Kotia is ours, we will be there with Odisha and we won’t go with Andhra Pradesh even if they try to lure us with gifts in the form of better provisions and services’. This was the Oath taken by thousands of people from 21 villages in Kotia group of villages which has been the site of conflict between the two neighbouring states for ownership since 1956.

An all party meeting was held at Kotia along with people from different sections of the society to raise objections against the ‘intrusion’ of Andhra Pradesh government officials in the Kotia group of villages and issuing Aadhar cards in Telugu , constructing roads , giving solar lamps , distributing OAP etc while Supreme court had granted status quo in favour of Odisha till the issue was resolved in the parliament on the platform of mutual agreement between the two states.

The villagers however resented the neglect by Odisha government. They alleged officers of Odisha government have an indifferent attitude towards them and had ignored the people of these villages who are struggling to survive in the lap of the mountains. A delegation of top officials from different departments from Bhubaneswar is scheduled to visit Kotia on Friday to access the needs of the region and realise the aspiration of people.

It may be noted here that over the last two months the villages have witnessed several Andhra Pradesh officers reaching out with programmes like distribution of solar lanterns, blankets, undertaking road laying work, distribution of old age pension etc. The Odisha government woke up to the situation following media reports and subsequently set up a check gate on road to Kotia to try and keep a tab on movement of officers from the neighbouring state.