Punjab deputy Chief Minister (CM) and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal on Saturday thanked the people for the support extended to the SAD-BJP combine for the last ten years. "We honour the mandate given by Punjabis today and will extend support to the new government for all endeavours taken for thewelfare of the State".
Congratulating the Congress as well as Punjab Congress President Capt Amarinder Singh for the victory achieved by the party under his leadership, Badal said "I wish the Congress will continue to maintain the pace of development in Punjab and take it to new heights".
The Deputy CM said the SAD would cooperate with the new government on all pro-Punjab issues. "We stand for Punjab and Punjabiat and ensure the people that we are ready to work in league with the the new government to ensure justice for Punjab on all contentious issues facing the State".
The SAD president said the party would take stock of the party performance soon. "As per information flowing in, the SAD has got an impressive 30.4 per cent of the vote share. Despite this we have not fared well due to concentration of AAP vote share of around 24 per cent in the Malwa region alone. There are other factors also which will be examined in due course", he added