Himachal Pradesh Governor Bandaru Dattatraya on Monday paid a surprise visit to government senior secondary school, Portmore and sought information about the academic and other activities of the school.
He also went to twelfth class and interacted with the schoolgirls on various topics.
The Governor asked the schoolgirls to adopt hard work, discipline, moral values and patriotism to get success in life.
He also motivated them to read the biographies of Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and former President of India Adul Kalam.
Dattatraya also urged them to participate in social activities especially cleanliness drive and practicing yoga.
The Governor also inspected the hostel and library of the school.
He announced Rs Five lakh for various activities of Portmore School and also said that Rs one lakh would be given to the schoolgirl as prize money who would surpass the private schools’ students in the examination.