In a move to ease the troubled situation in Manipur, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday called on Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang to intervene to resolve the matter between the Manipur government and the United Naga Council (UNC) amicably, said sources.
Meeting the chief ministers of Nagaland and Manipur here, Singh called Zeliang to the national capital to hold talks with Manipur Naga leaders to convince them to lift the economic blockade imposed by the UNC since November 1, 2016 and solve the problem at the earliest, according to a statement by the Nagaland government.
Conveying the sentiments of the Nagas in Manipur, Zeliang reiterated the UNC’s demand to hold the proposed tripartite meeting among the Union government, the Manipur government and the UNC, either at Senapati or in New Delhi.
Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam feel that the meeting should preferably be held at Imphal but were agreeable to the idea of having such a meeting in New Delhi.
After listening to both sides, Singh insisted that the meeting should be held at the earliest to break the paralyzing impasse, economic as well as administrative, before the state heads for the polls.
Zeliang agreed to convey to the Naga leaders of Manipur that the tripartite meeting should be held on January 23, either at Imphal or New Delhi.
The Union minister and Manipur chief minister lauded Zeliang for ensuring unhindered movement of Manipur-bound trucks and vehicles in Nagaland.
Zeliang assured Singh to do his best that the bandh called by a student organisation in Nagaland does not take place with the expectation that tripartite talks would be held as desired by the UNC to resolve the issue, the sources added.