Around three dozen official vehicles otherwise allotted for use by officers and doctors of two directorates of Uttar Pradesh Health Department are being misused by unauthorised persons, reveal affidavits filed in the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court.
The affidavits were filed by competent authorities in response to a petition moved by Dr R.K. Saini of the Provincial Medical Services Association, who had claimed that official vehicles allotted to various officers/doctors of the two directorates were being used unauthorisedly.
The court had then sought a response from the state health authorities.
Petitioner's counsel Nutan Thakur said on Thursday that Medical, Health and Family Planning Directorate's Executive Engineer D.N. Singh Yadav informed the court through an affidavit that of the 80 official vehicles with the directorate, 32 were in use by unauthorised persons.
These include 11 vehicles attached to different ministers, three to a Principal Secretary, two to a Secretary, two to a Special Secretary to the Chief Minister and one to the District Magistrate of Lucknow.
The affidavit by Director General of Family Welfare Neena Gupta said that of the 30 vehicles at the disposal of her directorate, five were attached with ministers and two with Secretaries, while one was with the Central Bureau of Investigation which is probing a case.