The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) on Saturday launched an intensive drive to check and clean all 8,704 bell mouths alongside the main roads to prevent water logging incidents.
“With the aim to prevent the water logging incidents in the ongoing monsoon season, NDMC has launched an intensive drive from 20th July to 22nd July to check and clean all the bell mouths alongside roads in its jurisdiction,” the civic body said.
The NDMC said it has 8,704 bell mouths alongside all the main roads under the six divisions of Road Engineering Service. The six roads divisions are headed by Executive Engineers and report to the Superintending Engineers under the Chief Engineer.
“In this special drive, all the divisions are gearing up for checking and cleaning of every bell mouth under their jurisdiction. The drive is being carried out by a special team including 17 Assistant Engineers and 28 Junior Engineers, 1,500 field staff and other workers under six Executive Engineers,” the civic body said.
The NDMC said Each Executive Engineer has been directed to achieve the program target and assigned specific numbers of bell mouths to ensure the checking and cleaning under the set target.
These Executive Engineers are inspecting and monitoring the overall progress of each area Junior and Assistant Engineers work, it said.
The civic body said the Superintending Engineers are directed and assigned to conduct surprise visits to check the progress in a time bound manner.
The daily progress report and percentage target achieved shall be compiled by each circle and Superintending Engineers shall forward for compilation to monitoring at higher level, it added.