Incidents of mass cheating have rattled Chhattisgarh’s education system, resulting in the suspension of a centre director and eight invigilators at the Government Girls Higher Secondary School in Baramkela. A similar case surfaced at the Government Higher Secondary School in Chaupara, Sakti district, prompting investigations.
The open school examinations for the 10th and 12th grades began recently in Chhattisgarh. However, within days, cases of mass cheating have surfaced. During the 12th-grade exam at the Government Girls School in Baramkela, where 246 students were taking the examinations, cheating was rampant across all classrooms.
Following inspections, officials found the involvement of examination centre staff in facilitating cheating, resulting in their suspension. Among those suspended are Dayasagar Pradhan and Anjali Sidar.
Another alarming case unfolded at the Government Higher Secondary School in Chaupara, where a viral video showcased open cheating, prompting immediate action from authorities.
These incidents of mass cheating raise serious concerns about the integrity of the examination process in Chhattisgarh, with districts like Sakti, Janjgir, Sarangarh, and Bastar being identified as hotspots for cheating.
Authorities have deployed observers to monitor examination centres, emphasising the need for stringent measures to maintain the credibility of the education system.