Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will meet Kamal Haasan in Chennai tomorrow and the two will have “political discussions”, a member of the Aam Aadmi Party said today, amid indications the veteran actor may join politics soon.
Haasan has been very active politically of late, often times levying corruption charges against the state government.
He had congratulated the CPI(M)-led LDF government in Kerala for “good governance” on its first anniversary in May this year. He fuelled speculation about his expected political plunge when he attended an event organised by the DMK party in Chennai last month.
An AAP functionary, seeking not to be named, said: “Kejriwal will leave for Chennai tomorrow morning and meet Haasan.”
They are expected to have “political discussions”, the functionary said without giving any details.
The Delhi CM will also visit a Tamil Nadu government-run skill development centre in Chennai, he said.
Haasan had been opposing the ruling AIADMK in Tamil Nadu, whose political adversary DMK has voiced support for him.