In the run-up to the Delhi assembly elections scheduled for February 5, AAP National Convenor, on Friday, appealed to the electorate not to vote for someone who tries to buy it with money or gifts claiming that
such actions tarnish the image of the country.
In a video message to Delhiites, Kejriwal said, “Your vote, secured through the tireless struggle of Babasaheb Ambedkar, is invaluable. Selling it for a saree, a blanket, or ₹1,100 is a betrayal of his legacy and a threat to our nation’s future.”
The AAP leader said he condemns the widespread distribution of money and goods by political parties to influence voters, describing the practice as a direct assault on democracy.
“These elections in Delhi are different. One-and-a-half months ahead of the elections, open distribution of money, shoes, bedsheets, sarees, ration, gold chains has started and nobody has any fear of the Election Commission or that someone would stop them. This distribution is being done under police protection. This is very dangerous for our country,” Kejriwal claimed.
The former CM claimed that money is being distributed by the members of the BJP and alleged, “The money they are distributing was earned by looting the people of this country. Take everything they distribute, don’t worry about it. Take all the goods and money they hand out, but remember one thing, do not sell your vote. Do not sell your vote for ₹1,100. Do not sell your vote for a saree. Your vote is invaluable. Do not sell your vote for a blanket or a pair of shoes.”
“Vote for anyone you want, it’s your choice. Whether you vote for me or not is up to you. But never vote for the person trying to buy your vote and ruin this country. Take all the goods and money they offer, don’t hesitate to take it, but swear to yourself that you will never vote for them,” he told the voters.