The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) targeted Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on the call of the Punjab government to stop traffic for one hour on Saturday. In a statement issued from the party headquarters, the senior leader of the AAP and Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Punjab Assembly, Harpal Singh Cheema said that when the government failed to deal with Covid, it was taking such dramatic steps to justify itself in the eyes of the people.
He said that hundreds of people of Punjab lost their lives due to the negligence of the government, but the government has not yet taken any concrete steps to recover the health services. Cheema said that just as the Prime Minister of the country had called upon the people to clap and play the utensils instead of taking necessary steps to deal with Covid, now Captain Amarinder Singh had also called for people to block the roads instead of improving the health services.
“With such plays, the Corona would not end, but for that, a good strategy has to be made,” he added. Cheema said that Captain Amarinder Singh failed to provide good health facilities to the people during the Covid pandemic and now they were doing all these dramas to divert the attention of the people.
Questioning the Captain government, Cheema asked how would the Punjab government deal with the Corona by blocking the roads? He said that under the guise of Covid, the Captain government should stop harassing people.
“If Captain Amarinder Singh really wants to pay true tribute to the people who died of Corona, then he should make full arrangements of health facilities in government hospitals so that no one else loses his life,” said Cheema. He demanded that the Punjab government should provide financial assistance to those who lost their jobs due to the Covid crisis and help them get out of the crisis.