Inspector General Police (IG) Vibhu Raj and SSP Tarntaran Harjit Singh on Tuesday deposed before the Punjab State Scheduled Castes Commission. They brought to the knowledge of the commission that 7 accused have been arrested in connection with the murder of a 32 year old dalit youth Surjit Singh of Palsaur village in Tarn Taran district, whereas, 8 others have also been named in the case.
Disclosing this, the Deputy Director of the Commission Raj Bahadur Singh said that the Chairman of the Commission Rajesh Bagha has directed the Welfare Department, Punjab to give a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the family of the victim. He further said that the SSP Tarntaran has also been directed to add section 3 (1) N pertaining to violence under modified SC/ST Act.
He also disclosed that the commission has sought a report from the Punjab Police by 16th March regarding atrocities on people belonging to the SC/ST category during the elections. He further elaborated that the commission has also instructed the state police to enforce modified provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in the incidents pertaining to violence during the course of Assembly elections in the state.