HPU hostels still grapple with basic problems

Despite lapse of six-months, since the Governor Acharya Devvrat’s surprise visit to Himachal Pradesh University hostels, barring a few changes, the problems continue to persist. Governor is Chancellor of the University.

Students lodged in different hostels on the campus find that the varsity authorities did swing into action and took some measures after the governor’s visit, but they lack permanency in approach in handling the problems day to day. A Law student and hostel Perfect of Dr. Y.S Parmar hostel Rampal Singh said the varsity released the grants for revamping the hostels recently.

“The main problem was the open electrical wiring and bad toilets. While wiring has improved, the refurbishment of old toilets is in progress. But the hostel lacks in clean drinking water. For this we have demanded water purified in hostel,” he said.

The HPU has 14 hostels in all, 10 for girls and four for boys.

“Some major changes have been brought about in the hostels where the governor paid surprise visit. However, in other hostels the basic facilities are not up to the mark. No one has cared to visit other hostels after that to take stock of their condition,” said another student, Naveen Suryavanshi in Shrikhand hostel.

The students in the hostel said some repair and construction of the toilets was completed recently. However, after few days the toilets got choked again have got choked.”Instead of paying heed to our complaints, the toilets have been locked since last one month,” said the students, as they held that security also continues to be an issue in the hostel.

A student residing in Rani Laxmibai girl’s hostel said the hostel lacks in medical facilities. “The problem worsens when there is any emergency at night. There is dire need of a helpline number of Himachal Pradesh University in case of an emergency. Students are left to fend for themselves and have to make it on their own to the nearby hospitals,” she said.