Haryana government on Thursday said detailed guidelines have been framed for the safety of the students and teachers of schools in the state and these statuary instructions would be announced on 15 September
The safety and security of the students cannot be compromised at any cost and would even take over the management of the Ryan International School in Gurugram if required, the government said.
Haryana Additional Chief Secretary, School Education KK Khandelwal said that notice has been issued to the school over the various irregularities found in its campus and if needed the state government would not hesitate in taking over the school management, as under the rules of the Haryana School Education Act, the government is authorised to take action against the management and the officials concerned.
He said that .
The guidelines were framed in a high level meeting held by Education Minister Ram Bilas Sharma, KK Khandelwal and the other officials.
Khandelwal further revealed that each and every aspect relating to safety in schools have been touched under the newly framed instructions that would be implemented on private as well as government schools in the state.
The official further stated that the department is also mulling over establishing a special cell at state headquarter for better coordination with private schools in the state.
A seven-year-old student Pradyuman was found murdered in toilet of Ryan International school in Gurugram on 1 September.
The incident triggered widespread outrage with the protest staged by the parents of students outside the school turned violent when the agitating parents set a liquor shop near the school on fire, following which the police lathi-charged the protesters in which some mediapersons also sustained injuries.
A committee comprising the officials from the Education Department and representatives of private schools was also constituted to provide the guidelines on safety in the schools within two days.