In what appears to be a bizarre charge against Nitish Kumar, Rashtriya Janata Dal leader and Lalu Prasad Yadav’s elder son Tej Pratap claimed that the Bihar Chief Minister used ghosts to force him to vacate his official bungalow.
Tej Pratap, who was the former health minister in the days of Mahagathbandhan rule in Bihar, had to vacate the bungalow located at Deshratna Marg in Patna. He had been an occupant of the bungalow since he took office as the health minister.
According to reports, Tej Pratap told the media that the reason behind his vacating the property is ghosts unleashed by Kumar and Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi.
“Nitish Kumar and Sushil Modi have released ghosts in the bungalow to haunt me. Hence, I have decided to leave the bungalow,” reports quote him as saying.
On the advice of an astrologer, Tej Pratap had made modifications to the bungalow along the lines dictated in Vaastu Shastra three months before the Mahagathbandhan fell.
On 26 July 2017, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal-United broke the alliance and joined hands with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Still in majority with the support of the BJP, Kumar took oath as Chief Minister in the new government.
The Bihar government has asked all the former ministers to vacate the official bungalows.