Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda on Tuesday said that the Central government was going for universal free health screening for six diseases, including hypertension and cancer.
"This scheme will be initially launched in 100 districts of the country. The screening will help in detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases,” he said while addressing the review meeting of the state Health Department here.
Nadda, who is from Himachal Pradesh and is in the city for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Shimla on 27 April, said the National Health Policy was formulated to ensure universal and comprehensive healthcare nationwide for which adequate funding would be made available to the states.
The minister said India has geared up to provide world class healthcare facilities to its citizens.
“The government has been providing best mother and child care facilities to women in the country. The government has been taking care of two crore of pregnant women every year by providing them free medical treatment in government hospitals,” he said.
He asked the doctors to prescribe generic medicines which were mandatory by law. He also stressed upon the need to enhance communication with the patients so that every patient goes back satisfied from the hospital. He said AIIMS would be set up soon in the state.
HP Health and Family Welfare Minister Kaul Singh Thakur said the state was implementing national health programmes and schemes as per the health policy mandate. He said the health indicators of HP were better than other big states in the country.
Thakur urged the health minister for providing liberal funding to the state for strengthening and improvement of infrastructure in health institutions and new institutions. Earlier, Principal Secretary Health, Prabodh Saxena said despite constraints, the health sector had transformed rapidly. He asked CMOs and Medical Officers for strict implementation of all health schemes viz-a-viz their timely reporting and accurate surveys.