The Chandigarh Nodal Officer, on Saturday, issued a show-cause notice to Kirron Kher, BJP’s Chandigarh candidate, for reportedly sharing a video on Twitter featuring children campaigning for her for the Lok Sabha elections.
“You have shared a video on Twitter account which shows children being used for campaign through slogans ‘Vote for Kirron Kher’ and ‘Abki baar Modi sarkar’”, read the notice which was issued on Friday, May 3.
The poll body has asked Kher to reply within 24 hrs.
Reacting to the notice, the actor-turned-politician said, “Whatever happened was wrong, that children were used. Somebody sent it to us, my team shared it and later deleted it, very sorry, it happened, it should not have happened.”
The notice mentions that the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights in January 2017 had requested the Election Commission (EC) to ensure that children are not involved in any form with election-related activities, by either elections officials or political parties.
The EC had subsequently instructed that it should be ensured by all political parties and election officials that children are not involved in any election-related activity, as per the notice.
Kher, who is the sitting MP from Chandigarh, is seeking re-election from the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat. She is pitted against four-time MP and Congress candidate Pawan Kumar Bansal and AAP’s Harmohan Dhawan.
On Thursday, May 2, Congress General Secretary Uttar Pradesh (East) Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was embroiled in a similar situation when a video went viral showing her with a group of children raising anti-Modi slogans following which she was issued a notice by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).
(With agency inputs)