The count of fresh cases of Covid-19 in Delhi on Saturday dipped to 20,718 from 24,383, registering a decrease of around 4,000, on Friday when 67,624 tests were conducted throughout the national capital. This was the second consecutive day when such cases declined substantially.
The figure on Thursday was 28,867 whereas it fell to 24,383 the next day.
According to the Delhi government’s latest health bulletin, the positivity rate, however, remained at 30.64 percent, the same level as reported on Friday.
There was a decline in the daily death count also. It came down to 30 fatalities today from 34 the previous day.
The number of home isolation patients shot up to 69,554 from 64,831 on Friday, providing proof that most virus-infected persons were getting cured in the comfort of their homes. The tally of active cases was 93,407.
There were a total of 15,494 hospital beds meant for Covid-19 patients, but only 2,620 beds remained occupied.
The patients being treated in hospital ICUs numbered 724 and 887 were on oxygen support. The coronavirus cases put on the ventilator were counted to be 113, the health bulletin pointed out.
So far as Delhi’s vaccination programme was concerned, the city jabbed 1,29,538 persons during the past 24 hours and 80,606 of them were those who got their first vaccine dose. The cumulative number of people who have so far got their first vaccine dose was 1,63,94,494 and the figure for those who got their second vaccine dose administered so far was 1,18,66,535, the health bulletin added.