In a major step in the fight against Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS), the Delhi Customs Preventive Zone destroyed 147 kg illegal narcotic substances worth Rs 396.5 crore at a waste management facility authorised by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
At the facility, 60,3628 kg of illicit narcotics, including 56.346 kg heroin, 2.150 kg MDMA Hydrochloride, 0.2193 Kg Marijuana, and 1.6475 kg ganja along with 10,894 NDPS-TIDIGESIC capsules weighing 87 kg were destroyed by incineration, the Ministry of Finance said on Friday.
The lots destroyed were the contraband seized by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, New Delhi, and the whole process of destruction was monitored by a high-level drug disposal committee.
The contraband was incinerated as per the guidelines under the Hazardous & Other Wastes (M&TM) Rules, 2016.