Former Bollywood actress Farheen Prabhakar, who is former cricketer Manoj Prabhakar’s wife, was targeted by four robbers of suspected ‘Thak Thak’ gang on Sunday. The gang assaulted her and robbed Farheen of her wallet and mobile phones when she was on her way to a mall in south Delhi, police said.
According to the police, Farheen was robbed when she was going to Select City Walk mall in Saket in her car. “When Prabhakar stopped her car at a traffic signal, all the four robbers tried to smash her car. After parking her car, when she tried to reason with them, the robbers abused her for not driving properly,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Vijay Kumar said.
The officer added, “They later took out her wallet containing Rs 16000 cash, documents, valuables, and mobile phones and tried to escape, but Prabhakar resisted their attempts following which they assaulted her. The accused later managed to escape in their car parked on the opposite side of the road.”
Farheen Prabhakar is an asthma patient and she collapsed on the road after this.
“She was helped by an Army officer who called the police and managed to note down the accused persons’ vehicle registration number,” said the DCP.
Farheen Prabhakar has worked in Bollywood, Kannada and Tamil films. She made her Bollywood debut with Jaan Tere Naam in 1992 opposite Ronit Roy.