Education is an investment in country’s bright future: Atishi

Noting that investment in education is in effect an investment in the bright future of the country, Delhi Education Minister Atishi pointed out that the city’s is the only government in the country that has allocated 25 per cent of the annual budget to education.

The education minister said this while felicitating the graduating students at the 6th convocation of Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU) here on Friday.

A total of 605 students graduated from DPSRU. Along with the Delhi education minister, Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena, and Prof. Nirmal K Ganguly, Former Director-General of ICMR, were present at the convocation.

Addressing the graduating students, Atishi said the Kejriwal Government has always remained dedicated to improving education in schools and colleges of Delhi. “It is the only government in the country that dedicates 25 per cent of its budget to education. This is the reason why the Kejriwal Government’s education model is being appreciated not only in Delhi or India but across the globe,” she added.

She said, “Education is not just an expense; investing in education is an investment in the bright future of our children and our country. These graduating students are the ones who will resolve many of the country’s problems in the coming time.”

“We are the governing and decision-making body, and it is our duty to equip the upcoming generation with the best quality education and exposure so that they can lead the nation on the path of growth. We believe that students sitting here can find solutions to many problems of today’s times, and that is why we have always been investing in education,” she said.

The education minister said, “I am happy and proud to be at the 6th Convocation of DPSRU today because establishing this University was one of the first initiatives taken by the Delhi Government in 2015 in the education sector, under the leadership of CM Arvind Kejriwal. Earlier, this University used to be a research institute.”

She said the transformation of DPSRU into the country’s first Pharmaceutical Research University is an example of the Kejriwal government’s commitment to education.

Atishi added that DPSRU is India’s first pharmaceutical University that not only teaches courses in pharmaceutical sciences but also sports medicine, physiotherapy, hospital management, and hospital administration.

She said, “The COVID-induced pandemic has taught us the importance of medicine and preventive care. I am sure that students graduating from DPSRU today will not only make their University proud but also their country.”

The Delhi education minister shared that the initiatives of DPSRU have not been limited to just its campus. She said through the programme ‘Dilli Ki Yogshala’, DPSRU took Yoga to every nook and corner of Delhi. “This programme was not only hailed in Delhi but across the country. Taking inspiration from the success of ‘Dilli ki Yogshala’, many other states have also launched such initiatives. I hope that the ‘Dilli Ki Yogshala’ programme will be resumed soon by the University,” she said.

“Not just yoga, I also hope that DPSRU will also lead in educating about Indian medicine systems like Ayurveda and Unani in the future. India across centuries has been a leader, as far as medicine is concerned. When the world was unknown to surgery, then surgeons like Charak were born in India, who gave new heights to medicine and surgery,” she added.

Atishi congratulated all the students graduating from the University and motivated them to use their skills in making the country Number 1 in the world and healthcare accessible to every person in this country.