In view of the torrential rains and waterlogging in Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday evening announced the closure of all schools in the National Capital for one day on July 10 for the safety of school children.
Kejriwal said that considering the incessant rainfall over the past two days and warnings from the weather department, all schools in Delhi will remain closed for one day on Monday.
“In view of the torrential rains lashing Delhi for the last two days and warnings from the Meteorological Department, all schools in Delhi are being closed for a day tomorrow,” Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi.
A decision to reopen schools will be taken after assessing the weather conditions on Monday.
Earlier in the day, Delhi Education Minister Atishi instructed the Education Department to conduct physical inspections of each and every government school for the safety of school children.
She mentioned that the continuous rain in Delhi over the past few days has created an unprecedented situation. Delhi has experienced the heaviest rainfall over these two days, in the past 40 years. Therefore, the physical inspection of all schools under the Delhi government is being conducted to ensure the safety of school children.
In her instructions to the department, Atishi said during the past few days, Delhi has been experiencing extreme rainfall. Therefore, all regional directors of education, deputy directors of education, district zones, principals, and vice-principals should conduct immediate physical inspections of all government schools under their jurisdiction.
They should ensure that there are no deficiencies in the schools that could pose a risk to the safety of school children. If any deficiencies or problems are found during the inspection, they should be fixed immediately, she added.
Additionally, the Delhi Education Minister has instructed the Education Secretary to ensure the immediate implementation of these orders and submit a detailed report tonight.
The Delhi Education Minister said, “Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our children. Millions of parents have placed their trust in Delhi government schools. It is, and will always be our commitment to live up to that trust.”