The number of Covid-19 positive cases in the city rose to 13,785 on Wednesday from 11,684 on Tuesday and 12,527 on Monday, according to the latest health bulletin issued by the Delhi government. These cases were detected out of 57,776 tests conducted across the national capital during the past 24 hours.
The trend of the declining number of such cases, which began on 14 January, was broken today after five days. The consecutively falling number of single-day cases from 14 to 18 January were 24,383; 20,718; 18,286; 12,527 and 11,684 respectively.
The positivity rate also rose to 23.86 per cent from 22.47 per cent on Tuesday.
Thirtyfive fatalities due to the virus were recorded today whereas such deaths were counted to be 38 yesterday. With this, the cumulative count of loss of lives owing to Covid-19 increased to 25,460 so far.
The total number of coronavirus patients taking medication under the home isolation system was now 58,501.
The health bulletin showed that there were a total of 15,603 hospital beds reserved for Covid-19 patients. However, only 2,734 beds remained occupied, providing proof that most of the virus patients did not need to be hospitalised.
Of the hospitalised patients, 855 were admitted to ICUs, 908 were on oxygen support and 147 were put on the ventilator.
The city vaccinated 1,25,611 persons during the last 24 hours and 70,314 of them were given their first vaccine dose. The cumulative count of vaccination pogramme beneficiaries having got their first dose was 1,66,60,877 and those given both vaccine doses were 1,20,11,626.