Delhi BJP has said Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Durgesh Pathak’s claims of a high standard of the city government schools are “totally hollow”.
Reacting to the recent charges of Pathak which were made by the AAP leader during a press conference, claiming high standards of Delhi Government schools and accusing MCD of shutting 40 schools, Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor said, “As civic elections are approaching the malafide propaganda by Aam Aadmi Party leaders is getting louder and AAP leader Durgesh Pathak has started openly lying”.
The Delhi BJP spokesperson said MCD is not shutting any school nor is it vacating any school building.
“40 evening shift schools with depleted student strength are being merged with morning shift schools. Despite the Covid-19 phase, civic bodies are running regular online classes for their students,” he said.
“While on the other hand, Durgesh Pathak’s claims of a high standard of Delhi Government schools is totally hollow. During the last 7 years, no new school has been opened by Delhi Government, only a few classrooms have been added in some old schools.
Two-thirds of Delhi Government schools don’t have facilities to teach commerce or science at secondary level while 50% of schools don’t have regular Principals and 30% Teachers posts are vacant,” the Delhi BJP spokesperson said.
He also added that it will be better if instead of playing dirty politics of accusations against MCDs, the Delhi Government works for holistic improvement of its own senior secondary & municipal primary schools.