Delhi Police on Tuesday registered an FIR in the unfortunate fire accident in a restaurant in the Rajouri Garden area of West Delhi.
”An FIR based on the prima facie circumstances under relevant provisions of law has been registered,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Vichitra Veer said.
Police cops have launched further investigation into the matter and are checking the CCTV footage to investigate the cause.
A person had been injured in the incident. However, the injuries were not related to the burn.
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) had stated that the eatery was running with a valid Municipal Health Trade License.
However, a letter was received from DFS regarding withdrawal of Fire Safety Certificate in respect of the Restaurant, dated October 21, subsequently a request was received from Licensee for surrender of Health Trade License.
After that the Health Trade License was revoked on November 1 and the revocation order followed by closure orders were served to the trader, the civic body said.
Following the incident, Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday visited the site. “Due to lack of proper evacuation, MCD and the Fire Department had already canceled the NOC of the restaurant and ordered its closure. Still, the police are investigating why the fire incident occurred. Strict action will be taken against its culprits”, she said.
To ensure that such incidents are not repeated, the Fire Department has been instructed to conduct fire safety audits in the entire city, the CM mentioned.